vii.  Store / Retail Facilities and Services

  1. Organization and cleanliness / Display effectiveness

  2. Staffs responsiveness / product knowledge / customer service / sales ability

  3. Product mix, availability, pricing, and quality

  4. Cross marketing between spa departments (i.e. Are products used in services sold in the store? Is there marketing of spa services in the store?)

  5. Overall feedback

 viii. Lounge / Bars / Entertainment

  1. Staffs responsiveness / product knowledge / customer service / sales ability

  2. Menu variety & quality for beverage, bar service, wine menu

  3. Menu variety & quality for food if applicable

  4. Atmosphere / Décor

  5. Music / Entertainment

  6. Value for the money / overall satisfaction​

ix. Internal Services

  1. Housekeeping responsiveness to special requests
  2. Laundry services
  3. Maintenance responsiveness to special requests
  4. Accounting – Was billing efficient, easy to understand, accurate?
  5. Management – Welcome or acknowledgement? Were “problems” escalated appropriately to mgmt. as requested?

 x.  Catering / Banquet & Meeting Services

  1. Room set-up / Complete & correct?

  2. Décor

  3. Rate quality / presentation / taste of food – variety on the catering menus

  4. Staff professionalism and service

  5. Audio / Visual equipment and staff

  6. Room facilities and equipment (Besides A/V)

  7. Did event coordinator work with you to make this event successful?

  8. Value for the money

  9. Overall feedback​

iii.  Food

  1. Menu variety
  2. Food presentation / quality
  3. Food flavor / appeal
  4. Speed of service / was all of the food the right temperature?
  5. Was everything required brought with the meal?
  6. Price / Value
  7. Overall impressions

iv.     Lounge / Bar / Entertainment

  1. Staffs responsiveness / product knowledge / customer service / sales ability
  2. Menu variety & quality for beverage, bar service, wine menu
  3. Atmosphere / Décor
  4. Music / Entertainment
  5. Value for the money / overall satisfaction


If You’re Not Advancing—You’re Falling Behind!

The Positive Results “Strategy Advances” are a proactive approach to defining, or refining, your organizational vision and direction. Action-oriented plans and follow-up are key elements behind why our programs achieve the results you want.

In an environment of constant change and uncertainty—Positive Results strategy advances are an oasis of focused, creative, clarity. We help you define strategies for achieving your business development goals.

How Do the Advances Work?

Part crystal ball gazing, part creativity playshop, part intense analytical think tank—these sessions draw out your group’s collective wisdom and create a road map for the future of your organization.

The sessions are skillfully facilitated by Jannette Anderson—a business start-up and turn around specialist and professional trainer. Her expertise in marketing and strategy development helps guide your team towards sound decision. Her thought-provoking approach and dynamic, creative style will help you dig deeper, get real, and produce confidence-inspiring solutions. Topic experts are brought in to support your clarity as needed. 

You and your executive team, and/or key stakeholders, set aside a block of uninterrupted time to discuss the forces and trends shaping your industry, define the strategic direction of your organization, and create a tactical plan that you can begin implementing the next day!

Working with Senior Management before and during the event, we help you:

  • Establish your agenda
  • Present information
  • Facilitate dynamic discussions
  • Keep the group focused and on target
  • Stimulate creative thinking
  • Guide critical thinking
  • Work through “Scenario Response”™ planning
  • Ensure equal participation
  • Document the results of your retreat

 Create clarity, consensus, and concrete action steps that will help you achieve a more favorable future.
 Let us take your next retreat off your worry list. Contact us today.

Perception is strong and sight weak. In strategy it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things. - Miyamoto Musashi

What Strategy Advances Are Available?

Although each of the advances is customized to achieve your objectives, the following are our most popular programs:

  • Voicing Vision and Values – What drives us and defines us as an organization?
  • Business Development For Today and Tomorrow – How are we going to get more customers, and make more money?
  • Blueprint for Success. Smart Strategies for your Business Planning – Where do we want to be in the future, and how are we going to get there?
  • Differentiate or Die – How can we target, innovate, and make the competition irrelevant?

Each of these facilitated management strategic planning events or advances create the following.  Clarity. Focus. Leverage. Actionable plans.

Practical processes that will help you ensure that this year is better than last year and sets you up for even more success next year!  Book yours today.

helping you make better decisions...


Making Each Meal a Memory

While the evaluation is not as extensive on our restaurant reviews, we still provide you with a written report on each of the following metrics:

i.  Property Review

  1. Décor / Theme / Differentiation / Ambience
  2. Cleanliness / Organization
  3. Ease of access – Parking / Easy to locate / Signage
  4. Facilities – Type / Comfort / Appeal
  5. Overall feedback

ii.  Personnel

  1. Friendliness / service orientation
  2. Efficiency / Skill level at their job
  3. Presentation
  4. Sales skills (product, additional services, & repeat business)
  5. Problem solving abilities
  6. General review of staff attitude / effectiveness

We assess and measure the following business areas for our thorough and professional Service Audits. Within a week of your audit you will receive a complete written report with these areas rated and additional feedback provided where warranted.

Positive Results © 2016 | All Rights Reserved

Resort Property (with Spa)

Evaluated based on the same metrics as the Resort and Hotel areas above plus the spa measurements  (either Day, Destination, or Wellness—depending on which kind of spa the resort has onsite). Please see the spa section of this site for Spa metric listings.

Resort Property

(without Spa)

Includes the area reviews as outlined for the Hotel plus the following:

xi.  Activity Facilities / Programming / Entertainment

Golf courses evaluated for the following:

  1. Ease and speed of play
  2. Equipment rental / availability
  3. Course layout / quality
  4. Pro / Instructor / classes available
  5. Pro shop – layout / product / service
  6. Overall feedback

Other activities – I.e. Horseback Riding / Boating etc. rated on the following:

  1. Staff service and professionalism
  2. Quality of equipment & instruction
  3. Entertainment value
  4. Ease of access
  5. Other metrics as applicable

Hotel Audit

i. Property Review

  1. Aesthetic appeal - Décor / Theme / Differentiation / Ambience

  2. Cleanliness / Organization

  3. Ease of access – Parking / Easy to locate / Registration

  4. Facilities – Type / Privacy / Comfort

  5. Overall feedback

ii.     Personnel

  1. Friendliness / service orientation
  2. Efficiency / Skill level at their job
  3. Presentation
  4. Sales skills (product, additional services, & repeat business)
  5. Problem solving abilities
  6. General review of staff attitude / effectiveness

iii. Accommodations

  1. Cleanliness
  2. Décor of the rooms
  3. Comfort of the bed, linen, pillows, and furnishings
  4. Amenities and toiletries provided
  5. Overall feedback

iv.   Restaurant / Room Service

  1. Menu variety
  2. Food presentation / quality / taste
  3. Was staff friendly, prompt, polite, and service oriented?
  4. Speed of service / was all of the food the right temperature?
  5. Was everything required brought with the meal?
  6. Atmosphere of the restaurant / décor
  7. Overall impressions

v.   Business Services

  1. Internet access (in room or on property)
  2. Business Center organization and equipment
  3. Business Center staff – skilled, helpful, professional
  4. Access to other services as required
  5. Overall assessment

vi. Fitness Facilities / Pool

  1. Programming staff and instructors
  2. Quality and availability of equipment
  3. Quality, cleanliness, and appeal of aquatic facilities
  4. Locker room cleanliness and appearance
  5. Organization / quality / variety of classes or instruction
  6. Pro shop or retail products available (where applicable)
  7. Hours and availability of facilities and activities
  8. Overall feedback

Please Note: When evaluating a hotel that has banquet and meeting facilities we will rate those by interviewing customers who are holding meetings at the time of our stay. If that is not possible, we will conduct brief phone interviews with two previous customers who are willing to provide us with feedback. Customer contact information to be supplied by the hotel. We will contact them with utmost professionalism and let them know that we are doing a customer satisfaction evaluation for your property – asking if they would be willing to answer six questions for us. Their feedback is incorporated into the report we provide.


Day Spa

i.  Property Review

  1. Aesthetic appeal - Décor / Theme / Differentiation / Ambience
  2. Cleanliness / Organization
  3. Ease of access – Parking / Easy to locate / Registration
  4. Facilities – Type / Privacy / Comfort
  5. Overall feedback

 ii.  Personnel

  1. Friendliness / service orientation

  2. Efficiency / Skill level at their job

  3. Presentation

  4. Sales skills (product, additional services, & repeat business)

  5. Problem solving abilities

  6. General review of staff attitude / effectiveness

iii.  Food and Beverage

  1. Menu variety / appeal
  2. Presentation / flavor / quality
  3. Price / Value
  4. Facilities
  5. Overall feedback

iv.  Spa Services

  1. Variety / type of services offered
  2. Service delivery - flexibility / ability to cater to special needs / client experience 
  3. Client interaction
  4. Practitioner sales ability (Ability to cross- and up-sell other services / products – create repeat customers)
  5. Overall feedback

v.  Spa Products

  1. Variety offered
  2. Quality
  3. Price / Value
  4. Used effectively during services (sales)
  5. Overall feedback

In order to provide feedback on the broadest range of client experiences we will structure the audit in the following way unless otherwise negotiated with spa management.

The two consulting days will be on non-consecutive dates, ideally a mid-week and weekend day if possible and applicable – and will be split into a minimum of two visits and a maximum of four. The visits will be at different times in order to assess the staff on a variety of shifts, and during different spa traffic levels.

We will ideally sample two ‘premium’ services (i.e. Total body wrap / hot stone massage, etc.) and two ‘basic’ services (i.e. manicure, pedicure, etc.).

Staff will be presented with requests for specific style, requirements, or approach to the services (I.e. Fibromyalgia for massage therapists) to determine ability to customize as required for various client types. In addition, they will be given a “problem” to see how they manage unusual or difficult situations (I.e. a request for additional time without being charged).

Hospitality Audits

... Attract and Keep Your Ideal Clients!

Destination Spa

Same as a Day Spa with the addition of the following

vi.  Accommodations

  1. Cleanliness
  2. Décor of the rooms
  3. Comfort of the bed, linen, pillows, and furnishings
  4. Amenities and toiletries provided
  5. Overall feedback

vii.  Fitness / Pool & Activity Facilities

  1. Programming staff and instructors

  2. Quality and availability of equipment

  3. Quality, cleanliness, and appeal of aquatic facilities

  4. Locker room cleanliness and appearance

  5. Organization / quality / variety of classes or instruction

  6. Pro shop or retail products available (where applicable)

  7. Hours and availability of facilities and activities

  8. Overall feedback

viii.  Store / Retail Facilities

  1. Organization and cleanliness / Display effectiveness

  2. Staffs responsiveness / product knowledge / customer service / sales ability

  3. Product mix, availability, pricing, and quality

  4. Cross marketing between spa departments (i.e. Are products used in services sold in the store? Is there marketing of spa services in the store?)

  5. Overall feedback

 ix.  Lounge / Bars / Entertainment

  1. Staffs responsiveness / product knowledge / customer service / sales ability

  2. Menu variety & quality for beverage, bar service, wine menu

  3. Menu variety & quality for food if applicable

  4. Atmosphere / Décor

  5. Music / Entertainment

  6. Value for the money / overall satisfaction

 x.  Internal Services

  1. Housekeeping responsiveness to special requests

  2. Laundry services

  3. Maintenance responsiveness to special requests

  4. Accounting – Was billing efficient, easy to understand, accurate?

  5. Management – Welcome / acknowledgement? Were “problems” escalated appropriately to mgmt. as requested?

Wellness (weight loss/healing)

All of areas outlined in the day spa and destination spa are included in this audit plus the following:

  1. Dietary program customization and effectiveness

  2. Special emphasis on food evaluation (quality / presentation / variety / etc. as this tends to be an area of particular importance for clients of weight loss spas)
  3. Physical fitness program customization and effectiveness
  4. Additional support services (i.e. personal, fitness, wellness, or nutritional counseling / education programming)
  5. Results – Did the program achieve satisfactory results
  6. Overall program evaluation